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Weekend birth preparation class in english - with Lisa (25.10.2025 10:00 - 17:00)

25.10.2025 10:00 - 17:00

In this weekend class I would like to prepare you and your partner/ the person that will accompany your birth so you feel empowered and strengthened and you are looking forward to this exciting event. There will be a lot of time to get to know each other and share your experiences and thougths. You will get evidence-based information on the medical processes during birth as well as practical exercises to connect with your baby and to enrole your intuition. The course will be held in english. 


The specific topics we will talk about are:

PREGNANCY stages of pregnancy, hormones, challenges

BIRTH beginning, contractions, stages of birth, pain and painkillers (natural and medication), massage techniques, positions, possible interventions, bonding, placenta

POSTPARTUM basics, preparation, mental load, breastfeeding, start as a family


This course is designed for couples or for pregnant women and the person accompanying them to the birth. The course consists of seven sessions (each Tuesday 19-21h), during which the group will get to know each other well. These evenings are primarily intended to be a time for you to actively engage with your pregnancy and birth. Accordingly, there will be no academic lecture, but a cozy get-together with simultaneous information transfer and exchange. Nevertheless, there will be one or two handouts ;) The course will cover both out-of-hospital birth, i.e. in a birth center or at home, and birth in a clinic, i.e. all couples are welcome, regardless of where they want to give birth.

Online registration is binding. The general terms and conditions of the Idstein Birth Center apply to billing and cancellations.

If you have any questions, please contact me by phone (0178 6911153) or email (heb.lisafriedrich@posteo.de). I look forward to seeing you :-)

Kosten: wird von Krankenkassen bezahlt
Partnergebühr: 150 €
Kursort: Geburtshaus Idstein
Kurstyp: für Schwangere
Kursleitung: Lisa Friedrich

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